Unlock Your Inner Piano Genius and Play Your Favorite Songs Effortlessly

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Ready to sound great playing your favorite popular songs on the piano (without needing painstaking sheet music?) Piano Chord Breakthroughs will transform your skills and unlock your potential behind the keys.

With this system under your belt, you'll be able to turn simple chords into stunning piano accompaniment in seconds, so you can sing and play along with all your favorite tracks! Kickstart your journey to confident, natural-sounding piano playing today.
Ready to sound great playing pop and rock songs (without needing painstaking sheet music?) Piano Chord Breakthroughs will unleash your potential behind the keys, turning simple chords into stunning piano accompaniment!

Kickstart your journey to confident, natural-sounding piano playing today.
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30+ Years Experience Playing Piano
1000+ Piano Chord Breakthrough Alumni
60,000 Youtube Subscribers
Thousands of Online Students Mastering Piano

Piano Chord Breakthroughs Has Helped Thousands of People Escape Their Piano Rut and Unlock Their Playing Potential...

See what it's all about:
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"I've taken classes from other online teachers.

I have learned more from you in two weeks compared to the others in over two years.

I now know how to use the techniques, most importantly, I know why. Thanks Nate, you're truly a great piano teacher."

  • - Charles J
"Nate has taught me more about music theory, technique and the pure joy of "seasoning and layering" chords than I ever imagined.
The cost of the course is beyond reasonable and so many levels of piano playing can benefit from it. It has enhanced my level and confidence immensely and I look forward to learning more from this humble, thorough and magical
  • - Lisa F
"I first tried traditional piano lessons 20 years ago and became unmotivated with the endless scales and Disney songs. I gave up unsatisfied after almost two years. In just 4 months of playing using your course and videos, I am beginning to be able to do what I had originally dreamed about doing. Thanks again, I really appreciate it"
  • - Jeff G

Are You Struggling to Build Your Piano Skills and Confidence to the Level You've Been Dreaming of?

Whether you're new to piano or you've been playing a while, chances are you're craving piano playing that feels natural, effortless and fun. You're not looking to become the next Mozart - you just want to be able to sing and play along with your favorite songs with ease (and be able to create your own improvised sounds without feeling glued to sheet music). You're craving the kind of confidence where your fingers just dance along the keys, you play with purpose, and you know you're making real progress.

Perhaps you'd even love to be good enough to play your favorite songs in front of other people too - whether you're taking on an open mic night, jamming with family or playing in a casual band. You want to play without embarrassment or pressure... just for the love of it!

This all sounds great in theory, doesn't it?

But Learning to Play the Piano Isn't Always

as Harmonious as it Should Be...

You just want to be able to play along with the greats like The Beatles, Billy Joel and Elton John... not become some virtuoso classical pianist. So why does it feel so hard to actually sound great and play with confidence?

Have you found yourself facing any of these challenges in your piano playing journey?

  • Does your playing sound clunky, and you're frustrated you don't sound like your favorite recordings?
  • Have you struggled to find a music teacher (in person or online) who is aligned with your piano accompaniment goals?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff there is to learn and don't know what you actually need to know?
  • Have you learnt the typical 3-note chords to accompany your favorite songs, but you don't know how to jazz them up to actually sound like the pros do?
  • Are you wishing you had the confidence to WOW other people with your playing?
  • Do your fingers or back feel sore when you're playing and you struggle to enjoy practicing?
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Perhaps You've Tried to Get Better in the Past too,

But Struggled to Feel Like You're Making Progress...

In today's online world you can become "self-taught" on basically anything thanks to Google and Youtube - but often that's the problem, not the solution! There's so many different techniques, methods and teaching styles out there, it's hard to know who to listen to. And with limited time to spend focusing on your piano playing, you want to know you're following a proven pathway to actually get better!

If any of the above resonated with you, you're not alone. But before you give up, let me give you some hope..

Learning Piano Doesn't Have to Feel so Frustrating

You don't have to feel glued to the notes on the sheet music. You don't need to be burdened with strict classical traditions and confusing music theory. You don't have to practice songs you can't stand for hours a day.

By focusing on learning the chord progressions for your favorite songs, and mastering the skills to create awesome piano parts from them, you can become the confident, natural, pro-sounding piano player you've always wanted to be! You can unlock your confidence, play and sing along effortlessly, and sound just like your favorite pro artists.

Hi, I'm Nate...

Piano-Lesson Drop Out, Music Lover and Founder of Piano With Nate

And when I made this focus shift in my own piano playing journey, it was an absolute game-changer.

After quitting my own piano lessons at age 10, I almost threw in the towel on my playing. I hated the boring sheet music and childish lesson book songs - I wanted to play along with my favorite rock songs, not Mary Had a Little Lamb! With no teachers around to help me, I decided to teach myself by following the chord charts from Beatles songbooks.

Sure, I was terrible at first, and my playing was clunky and rough, but when I played along to the music I loved, I actually had fun. And since I was having fun, I was way more motivated to play...

Through a lot of trial and error, I turned everything I'd discovered into my own system for learning and playing piano - no sheet music required.

While I knew how to follow chord charts and play any chord, I developed a simple way to train my fingers to embellish those chords into expressive and unforgettable piano parts. And best of all, to do so in a natural, effortless way that required zero sheet music. Since I was focusing on chords instead of notes, I was able to translate this same system to any song - as long as I had the chord progressions on hand, I could play the music!

Eventually I got to the point where I could express myself through the piano, and other people actually wanted to listen too. This feeling was pure bliss.

But what felt even better was when I shared this same system with students... and they experienced the same breakthrough in their playing as well. That's when I decided to make my training available to even more people too. A roadmap to level-up your skills, unlock your confidence, and have WAY more fun playing piano accompaniment to all your favorite songs on the piano too.

Let me introduce to you:

Discover the simplest way to play along with ANY song on the piano effortlessly

Piano Chord Breakthrough is a self-paced, step-by-step online course that teaches you how to create amazing sounding piano parts by building upon simple chords. You'll learn the same chord-based accompaniment techniques the pros use to make their playing sound graceful, exciting and alive, and turn any chord progression into a head-turning song! Whether you're playing on your own, at church, with family, or in a band, these skills will unlock your potential behind the keys.
Over 5 modules that gradually increase in complexity, we'll cut through the noise and teach you exactly what you need to know (and avoid the things you don't!) At each step, you'll not only learn new techniques, but you'll also get your hands dirty as we apply them into 3 original songs. This empowers you to not just understand what to play, but why and how it all fits together, so you can create music on your own and not feel held back learning note-by-note from someone else.

Finally, you can break through to a new level of freedom and creativity, and master the music you actually want to play!
I'm Ready to Transform my Playing
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Learn Everything You Need to Be Able to:

Fix technique issues that are thwarting your piano progress.
Play your favorite songs (even the tricky sounding ones) without sheet music or note reading.
Turn any chord progression into a head-turning piano arrangement and song.
Build enough confidence to play in front of or alongside other people without embarrassment.
Really "get" the big picture behind the music you're playing so you can feel like a musician, not just a piano player.
Relieve stress, play without pressure, and restore the fun in your piano playing journey.
Express yourself through the piano and let the music flow out of you effortlessly.
Improve your finger and hand coordination and eradicate 'clunky' playing.
Feel more creative and free behind the keys, adding your own sound to your favorite songs.
And so much more! Piano Chord Breakthroughs is all about uncomplicating the process of learning piano, so you can sing and play along to any song with confidence. Ditch the sheet music, and turn a simple chord chart into an expressive, dynamic and exciting song that sounds great!
Get Started Today


My 3-Step System for Mastering

Any Technique on the Piano

In my 30+ years experience playing piano, I've found one simple approach that reliably works when it comes to learning new techniques and songs:
Step 1
Learn a new idea
Step 2
Hone it with a few practice exercises
Step 3
Immediately implement it in actual songs
With this system, you're not only learning new ideas, but putting them into practice right away. This makes these techniques become second nature, and you can understand how the chords you're playing fit together to create the songs you love.
Enroll in Piano Chord Breakthroughs Now

This is the System That Makes Piano Chord Breakthrough so Powerful for Students

You won't just be ticking boxes inside lessons and exercises. You'll be getting your hands dirty and learning three original chord progressions that I composed specifically for this course!
In each module, we'll build upon these songs and dress them up with new techniques. By the end of the course, you'll confidently be able to play pro-sounding piano parts to three whole songs. And most importantly, you'll have mastered a ton of new skills you can easily apply to all your favorite tracks too.
Enroll in Piano Chord Breakthroughs Now

See This System in Action With These Before and Afters:

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Let's Take a Closer Look at What You'll Learn Inside This Course:

With bite-sized, easy-to-follow lessons, downloadable handouts, and fun practice exercises, you'll have everything you need to succeed and level-up with each module.

Module 1: Set a Strong Foundation for Success

Create a solid base for your playing and master the essentials of technique and rhythm. Whether you're learning this for the first time or refreshing your skills, this module will be a game-changer for your playing. Optimize your technique for success, improve your rhythmic muscle memory, correct your posture, and create a stronger foundation for piano chord mastery!

Module 2: Master Two Hand Playing & Dynamics

Learn to fill out your sound and make your playing hit just right! Master simple arrangement strategies for adding power to your chords with the left hand, and utilizing the piano's dynamic (loudness) range to bring your music to life. Using just the chord charts to our 3 original songs, you'll leave this module playing and adding rhythm with both hands.

Module 3: Nail Chord Inversions Effortlessly

Break out of the same old chord shapes, and add fluidity and color to your playing. By mastering chord inversions at a new level, you can make chord progressions easier to play, and move more effortlessly across the keys. By the end of this module, you'll know how to choose your chord inversions to create "hidden melodies", and level-up your playing like crazy.

Module 4: Break up Chords With Awesome Arpeggios

Turn the simple chords you now know well into beautiful rhythms and captivating patterns - the 'secret weapon' the pro musicians use to make it sound like they've learnt a piece note-by-note using sheet music! In this module you'll learn to think about the big picture behind your chord progressions, and let patterns and muscle memory do the heavy lifting for you. You'll become an arpeggio master and get that pro-sound you've been craving.

Module 5: Decorate Your Playing With Next-Level Tricks

Dress up any simple chord progression with these tools and tricks, and keep ears excited to hear you play! From suspended chord fills to passing bass notes and more, this module will refine your playing and get you sounding like a piano pro. By the end of this module, we'll tie everything you've learnt so far together so you can start improvising beautiful music on the fly!
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Is This Course Right for Where I'm At Right Now?

Yes! If you're new to piano, this course is perfect for you. And if you're experienced and want to play more of the music you love, it's for you too! Let me explain:
Piano Chord Breakthroughs uses a simple, step-by-step approach with no fluff. It covers everything you need to play your favorite songs, without the unnecessary virtuoso stuff. You won't instantly master music theory from these videos. In fact, if you've been playing for a minute, most techniques will probably be familiar.

Understanding a skill at an intellectual level is good, but it's certainly not enough. It's a whole other thing to be able to use those skills instinctively while playing...

You might understand chord inversions, but can you fluidly transition between them without thinking? You might know the importance of playing with a steady tempo, but can you add rhythm confidently? You might know arpeggios, but can you seamlessly weave them into your songs?

Whether you're new or experienced, more theory isn't what you need to get better. You need a system to train your brain, fingers, and muscles. This course focuses on muscle memory, which requires repetition and consistency. So if you can dedicate yourself to this course, you'll see a significant improvement in your playing, no matter your experience level - I even guarantee it!

Ready to Join Piano Chord Breakthroughs and Transform Your Piano Playing?

Here's what you'll get when you sign up:

  • Lifetime access to the Piano Chord Breakthrough 5-lesson course, including high-quality video lessons and exercises (and ALL future updates made to the content!)
  • Printable PDF workbooks full of exercises to help you master the techniques.
  • Chord charts and instructions to learn and nail 3 original songs.
  • 12 months access to email support from myself (Nate) to ensure you never feel stuck in your learning.

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Payment Plan

3 payments ($141 total)
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Join Risk-Free With our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I'm so confident this course will transform the way you sound and feel when you're playing the piano, I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is! If you put the Piano Chord Breakthrough system to the test in your own home and find your playing doesn't significantly improve, just let me know in the first 30-days and I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.
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Learn a Little More About Your Teacher, Nate (That's Me!)

I've been arranging, performing and recording chord-based piano accompaniments for pop and rock songs for 30+ years. And, for the past 12+ years, I've helped thousands of students nail the same skills in their own playing.

I know what it's like to feel stuck in a rut with your playing, and believe every music lover deserves to experience the blissful feeling when music just flows out of them! Through this course, I'm on a mission to unlock your piano playing potential, and make sure you're having fun and sounding great every single time you sit down to sing and play.

If you're ready to start creating awesome piano parts from chord progressions, and fall in love with piano again (or for the first time), I can't wait to welcome you inside and watch you level-up your playing!

I'm Ready to Get Started!
*Get instant access today

Over 1000+ People Have Unleashed Their Inner Piano Genius Inside Piano Chord Breakthroughs

Hear what some of them had to say:

"Nate has taught me more about music theory, technique and the pure joy of "seasoning and layering" chords than I ever imagined.
The cost of the course is beyond reasonable and so many levels of piano playing can benefit from it. It has enhanced my level and confidence immensely and I look forward to learning more from this humble, thorough and magical instructor!"
  • - Lisa F
"I'm so glad I found Nate's course. It is everything it says on the tin. I'm an intermediate piano player, but before this course I had very little ability to improvise and make my pop songs with chords sound fun and great with cool rhythms.
I definitely recommend Piano Chord Breakthroughs if you want to play the songs you love and get more confident at it too!"
  • - Neil L
"I am back on track, practicing, being enthusiastic, challenged but supported in a very well-grounded way. Merci!"
  • - Marc-André B
"I bought the package of Keys To Chord Progressions and Piano Chord Breakthroughs and have found the learning materials to be invaluable. I was looking for someone to inspire me to practice, whilst feeling I was developing my understanding of music and having fun playing songs I wanted to play. Nate has definitely succeeded on all counts!

Nate has inspired me to learn songs following his beginner, intermediate and more advanced approach which has proved very successful. Rather than trying to just play the song like the original (nothing wrong with that, by the way!) - I find myself developing my own approach to songs, inspired by Nate's course materials."

  • - Alex E
"I am 66 and always wanted to play the piano. The "Piano Chord Breakthrough" course cleared up questions I had about chords and inversions while also helping me better understand and apply rhythm and techniques. The "Keys to Chord Progressions" course was like turning on a switch and seeing the correlation between chords and keys. I can now transpose songs to fit my vocal range and breakout to change keys while playing. Both coursed have greatly improved my understanding of music theory.
I have learned more with Nate and his courses in a few months then I learned my previous 65 years. I would recommend these courses for anyone young, or old, who want to learn how to enhance and expand their playing ability."
  • - Frank B
"The discovery of Nate's courses have become a complete "breaking free" experience for me. It's great joy to be able to improvise on existing songs, or create something of my own. The first time I was blown away was adding what I'd learned to "Let it be."

Now I always finish playing with a big smile. I wholeheartedly recommend this course. Nate is really a fantastic teacher."
  • - Marian W
"I feel a lot more confident now."
  • - John L
"Piano Chord Breakthroughs is exactly what I was looking for! The results are obvious even after just one lesson, I found myself going from simply memorizing songs to actually understanding music. I was able to quickly apply the techniques to songs I already knew as well as develop a routine that allows me to play freely, have fun and make my own music!
I really can't speak highly enough about this course, above and beyond, worth every penny. These lessons truly give you the skills to be able to actually play the piano!"
  • - Ashley G
"I performed for the very first time in front of a live audience using Nate's approach.

I would absolutely recommend this Course for anyone interested in playing piano. The course is clear and concise and Nate has some amazing music that you can follow
along and learn for as you go."

  • - Marty R
"As a beginner to piano, the multitude of courses and teachers out there was mind boggling to me. Nate's course is really the standard. It seems most of the online instructors I came across are doing nothing more than showing off.


Nate's courses are different. He teaches. Once I began to work through Nate's easy-to-understand program, it was a milestone in my keyboard journey. Now, I look forward to playing every day and I've come to recognize the piano as a beautiful instrument of expression. I would highly recommend Nate's excellent program."

  • - Victor D
"After watching a few of Nate's youtube videos I was convinced his course would be a good fit for me. I had some piano experience through various 'method' books but always found those a little slow and the songs not super exciting to play for a group. Piano Chord Breakthroughs has given me confidence in my playing/improvising and restored the 'fun'.

I've even been able to play recently at a Karaoke party
where the hosts had a piano and everyone was super impressed! I continue to go back to the lessons picking up new things. Would definitely recommend this course, it was such a great value."
  • - Luke H
"I bought Nate's course because I had spent a year struggling to learn piano through sight reading. I was feeling very stuck and didn't look forward to practicing anymore. I could play chords in a basic way by looking at a chord chart, but didn't know how to progress to playing more interesting parts.

After working through the course, I'm able to take a chord chart and improvise using a variety of techniques. I find playing relaxing and enjoyable now. I highly recommend the course for people who are frustrated with learning piano by reading sheet music and want to take their playing to the next level."
  • - Jess B
"I've taken classes from other online teachers.
I have learned more from you in two weeks compared to the others in over two years.
I now know how to use the techniques, most importantly, I know why. Thanks Nate, you're truly a great piano teacher."
  • - Charles J
"Your course gave me a structured way to learn songs that are significantly more complex than what I could learn before. Also your course gave me a clear way to learn those songs by slowly building up complexity. I think the course has generally made me more comfortable learning songs, and has sparked an interest in music theory.
I recommend this course to beginners who want to improve!"
  • - Romain T
"I first tried traditional piano lessons 20 years ago and became unmotivated with the endless scales and Disney songs. I gave up unsatisfied after almost two years. In just 4 months of playing using your course and videos, I am beginning to be able to do what I had originally dreamed about doing. Thanks again, I really appreciate it."
  • - Jeff G
"I happened upon Piano with Nate while going down the Youtube rabbit-hole and was intrigued with his focus on chords. With my background in guitar, this approach was instantly relatable for me. Not only was I able to apply things I already knew from guitar but also many of the things Nate demonstrated like inversions, suspended chords, 7th chords, etc. improved my understanding of the guitar.

Piano with Nate has definitely jump started my keyboards skills and my ability to improvise and solo using different chord voicings, arpeggios, suspensions, etc. I would recommend this course to any guitar player wanting to add keyboards to their arsenal. I also think the course would be useful to anyone that wants to learn piano to accompany their singing."

  • - Hans H
"I searched for several years for someone who could show me techniques for improvising and accompanying on the piano. When I found Nate's website, in just a few months his course changed my relationship with music and enabled me to quickly learn songs, understand music, apply techniques and start to play like I've always wanted to play.

His approach is clear, engaging, and allows for individual creativity while providing tons of structure and tools. The cost of his course is extremely reasonable and very worthwhile. I highly recommend it."
  • - Lauren K
"I've been using Nate's Piano Chord Breakthrough course for several months now, and I love it. I'm an adult learner and my goal is to play piano accompaniment. The instructions in this course are clear and concise. Nate's videos and the written (PDF) materials are perfect.

Thanks to this course, I now look forward to daily practice, I'm motivated, and I'm having fun. But best of all, I'm now developing the piano skills I need to reach my goal. The course's emphasis on rhythm is super helpful to me. My left hand, my right hand, my brain, and my feet are now all starting to work together. I have already begun to apply what I'm learning from the course to a few songs. I highly recommend this course!
  • - George M

Are You Ready to Break Out of Your Piano Playing Rut and Start Creating Amazing Music?

Piano Chord Breakthroughs is your secret weapon to finally becoming the piano player you want to be! With the keys you'll learn inside this course, you'll be able to play along with ANY song in seconds using just a chord chart and your newfound skills. Break away from time-consuming sheet music and irrelevant theory, and break through to a whole new level of freedom and creativity.

I can't wait to welcome you inside...

I'm Ready to Get Started!
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Got Questions Holding You Back?

Check out our FAQ's for all the answers:
In Piano Chord Breakthroughs, I dive much deeper than I can in my YouTube videos. The video lessons in Piano Chord Breakthroughs go in order and build linearly towards a specific goal. Unlike learning piano on YouTube, you'll learn ideas in the correct order and never feel lost or wonder what to work on next.
This isn't just a course to teach you how to play chords. Instead, it teaches you all the cool things you can do with chords once you know how to play them!

I do include a couple of videos on how to find and play any piano chord, but I consider those prerequisites to help people make sure they're ready for the main course.

Absolutely! This course starts with fundamentals, and you can go at your own pace. I also offer email support so you can reach out if you feel stuck.

However, the course does assume very basic knowledge, so if you are entirely new to piano, you will need to learn some basics like note names and how to find those notes on the keyboard. A motivated beginner can learn those quickly (search "first piano lesson" on YouTube) to prepare for Piano Chord Breakthroughs.

Finally, there is a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you are covered in the unlikely event you start the course and feel it is over your head.

Absolutely. If you are intermediate to advanced, some ideas in the earlier modules will likely already be familiar.

That said, one thing that often holds intermediate players back from getting really good is gaps in foundational skills and technique. Piano Chord Breakthroughs can help patch up those holes in your knowledge and provide you with brand new tricks and ideas as well.

With the 30-day money-back guarantee, if you decide that the course is below your level, no sweat.

Nope. Piano Chord Breakthroughs teaches you to play the piano simply by thinking about the "big picture" of the underlying chords you are playing. Building on these chords using specific techniques allows you to creatively improvise and write piano parts without ever using sheet music.
I never want my students to feel stuck, lost, or confused. When you purchase Piano Chord Breakthroughs, you get a full year of email support from me to clarify any questions about the course material.